Grant Armstrong
My Work is a place where you can always get something. Whether you get an interesting blog, a fun short story, or some inspiration for your own writing is up to you, and someday, you may even get an update on a published book!
Published Novels
I have not published any books yet, but I am working hard on that!
Regular Updates
Once a week, I will release a blog post on this website that will likely center around writing. However, I might choose something random to write about, so who knows? I will post the blog on this website and the short stories on social media with links on the short stories page.
Short Stories
Creative Tales
I have written many short stories in the past, and I am now determined to get at least one blog published here, and a short story published elsewhere, weekly.
Social Media
Stay Connected
While this website is great for my blog, social media platforms are probably better for user interaction on the other works. Below, I have linked my Reddit Page and my Instagram! I may make more, such as a YouTube account, so stay tuned.